Monday, May 16, 2011

George and Elizas McFarland Marriage Certificate

The first official record I have of George and Eliza is their Marriage Certificate I received in March 2007.

They were married on the 9th of November 1893 in the Badoney Presbyterian Church, in the Parish of Badoney in the county of Tyrone by licence.

George was of full age, a bachelor, a farmer and could sign his name. His residence at the time of marriage was Letterbratt. His fathers name was William and he was also a farmer.

Eliza was of full age, a spinster, signed her name with an X and at the time of marriage was residing at Ballyrasolleens (cant read it). Her father was John Patterson.

The marriage was witnessed by John Smyth and Mary Jane Dack. The celebrant was Jackson McFadden.

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